
历史 >> 数学家
Questions in category: 数学家 (Mathematicians).

Rosa Orellana

Posted by haifeng on 2014-05-23 15:28:45 last update 2014-05-23 15:28:45 | Answers (0) | 收藏


Rosa Orellana


   Publications and Research

My work has always tried to unite the true with the beautiful and when I had to choose one or the other,
I usually chose the beautiful. -- Hermann Weyl.

My area of research is algebraic combinatorics and representation theory. My focus is in applying
combinatorics to answer algebraic questions related to the Coxeter groups and their related algebras,
e.g. Hecke algebras, Brauer algebras, partition algebras. I am particularly interested in the interplay
between Markov traces, centralizer algebras, quantum groups, Hopf algebras, symmetric functions,
and knot theory. I have a special fondness towards Young diagrams and the symmetric group.