
概率统计 >> 概率论
Questions in category: 概率论 (Probability).

[Exer5-1]Example 3.10 of Book {Devore2017B} P.104

Posted by haifeng on 2020-03-23 17:24:38 last update 2020-03-23 17:26:21 | Answers (1) | 收藏

Starting at a fixed time, we observe the gender of each newborn child at a certain hospital until a boy ($B$) is born. Let $p=P(B)$, assume that successive births are independent, and define the rv $X$ by $X=$ number of births observed. Then
p(2)&=P(X=2)=P(GB)=P(G)\cdot P(B)=(1-p)p,\\
p(3)=P(X=3)=P(GGB)=P(G)\cdot P(G)\cdot P(B)=(1-p)^2 p.\\
Continuing in this way, write the general formula for the pmf $p(x)$. And compute the following

  • the cdf $F(x)$.
  • $E(X)$

Remark. Here rv stands for random variable(随机变量), pmf stands for probability mass function (or probability density function 概率密度函数), and cdf stands for cumulative distribution function(累积分布函数).