
概率统计 >> 概率论
Questions in category: 概率论 (Probability).

[Exer8-3] Exercise 79 of Book {Devore2017B} P.138

Posted by haifeng on 2020-04-07 08:04:01 last update 2020-04-07 08:04:01 | Answers (1) | 收藏

Suppose small aircraft arrive at a certain airport according to a Poisson process with rate $\alpha=8$ per hour, so that the number of arrivals during a time period of $t$ hours is a Poisson rv with parameter $\lambda=8t$.

  • (a) What is the probability that exactly $5$ small aircraft arrive during a $1$-hour period? At least $5$? At least 10?
  • (b) What are the expected value and standard deviation of the number of small aircraft that arrive during a $90$-min period?
  • (c) What is the probability that at least $20$ small aircraft arrive during a $2\frac{1}{2}$-hour period? That at most $10$ arrive during this period?