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boost 库中一些库是需要编译的, 比如 filesystem

Posted by haifeng on 2022-02-17 10:42:38 last update 2022-02-17 10:56:43 | Answers (0) | 收藏

D:\Lib\boost_1_77_0>b2.exe --show-libraries
The following libraries require building:
    - atomic
    - chrono
    - container
    - context
    - contract
    - coroutine
    - date_time
    - exception
    - fiber
    - filesystem
    - graph
    - graph_parallel
    - headers
    - iostreams
    - json
    - locale
    - log
    - math
    - mpi
    - nowide
    - program_options
    - python
    - random
    - regex
    - serialization
    - stacktrace
    - system
    - test
    - thread
    - timer
    - type_erasure
    - wave

比如要编译 filesystem 库, 则使用选项 --with-filesystem, 但如果输错会提示.

D:\Lib\boost_1_77_0>b2.exe --with-filesystem -buildtype=complete install
Invalid option: -b

usage: b2.exe [ options ] targets...

-a      Build all targets, even if they are current.
-dx     Set the debug level to x (0-13,console,mi).
-fx     Read x instead of bootstrap.
-jx     Run up to x shell commands concurrently.
-lx     Limit actions to x number of seconds after which they are stopped.
-mx     Maximum target output saved (kb), default is to save all output.
-n      Don't actually execute the updating actions.
-ox     Mirror all output to file x.
-px     x=0, pipes action stdout and stderr merged into action output.
-q      Quit quickly as soon as a target fails.
-sx=y   Set variable x=y, overriding environment.
-tx     Rebuild x, even if it is up-to-date.
-v      Print the version of jam and exit.
--x     Option is ignored.

编译类型选项应该输入 --buildtype  

D:\Lib\boost_1_77_0>b2.exe --with-filesystem -buildtype=complete install


已复制         1 个文件。
common.copy C:\Boost\include\boost-1_77\boost\compatibility\cpp_c_headers\ctime
已复制         1 个文件。
common.copy C:\Boost\include\boost-1_77\boost\compatibility\cpp_c_headers\cwctype
已复制         1 个文件。
...updated 16179 targets...